Thursday, July 2, 2009


8:52 PM | , , ,

Admission in to Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to Certificate course on Intellectual property Rights & IP Services in Collaboration with Global Institute of Intellectual Property.

Graduation (Preferably B.Tech. / B.E. / M.Sc. / LLB / LLM / MBA) passed candidates are eligible for this course. Selection will be made on the basic of qualification & Interview. Last date for receipt of application form is 3rd July, 2009.

Further details can be available from
Ph. 011-26596267, 9899755902

Or can be downloaded from

Admission in to Madhusudan Institute of Cooperative Management, BHUBANESWAR

Madhusudan Institute of Cooperative Management invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to the following courses

Higher Diploma in Coop. Management: Candidates who are graduate in any discipline are eligible for this course.
Diploma in computer application (DCA): +2 & above passed candidates are eligible for this course.
Diploma in rural management (DRM): Graduate in any discipline(Employees working with Govt. & Private sector, NGO’s etc. having requisite qualification can also apply.) are eligible for this course.

Further details can be available from
Madhusudan Institute of Cooperative Management,
Unit-VIII, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

Admission in to Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal.

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to Full time Ph.D. Program in Chemical Engineering / Computer Sc. & Engg. / Electrical & Instrumentation Engg. / Electronics & Communication Engg. / Food Engg. & Technology / Humanities (English) & Management / / Mathematics (including Statistics) / Mechanical Engg. / Physics & Interdisciplinary areas.

Master’s degree in engineering / Technology / Science / Humanities / Management with 55% of marks (50% for Sc / ST) passed candidates are eligible for this course. Last date for receipt of application form is July 10, 2009.

Further details can be available from

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Longowal (Sangrur), Punjab – 148106,
Ph. 01672 – 305186

Or can be downloaded from

Admission in to Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh.

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to the following paramedical courses

B.Sc. Audiology & Speech Therapy.
Bachelors of Physical Therapies.
B.Sc. Medical Technology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging.
B.Sc Medical technology Laboratory.
B.Sc Medical technology Radiography.
B.Sc Medical technology Operation Theatre.
B.Sc Medical technology Per-fusionist.

Last date for receipt of application form is 30-06-2009. Selection will be made on the basic of Examination.

Further Details can be available from

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research,

Or can be downloaded from

Admission in to Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, PURI

Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to two year Acharya (M.A.) & one year Visistacharya (M.Phil).Courses offered in Acharya are Sahitya / Vyakarana / Veda / Sarvadarshan / Dharmasastra / Nyaya / Adwaita Vedanta and Jyotirvigyan.

Shastri degree from this Vishvavidyalaya or any Sanskrit examination of the university / Institute recognized as equivalent there to B.A. (Hons)in Sanskrit or B.A. (Pass) examination with sanskrit as one of the subjects from any university recognized by the Vishvavidyalaya securing atleast 40% of marks both in Sanskrit pass papers & Honours papers having candidates are eligible for Acharya course. Acharya or equivalent degree in relevant discipline securing atleast 55% marks candidates are eligible for Visistacharya course. Last date for receipt of application form is 31.08.2009.

Further details can be available from

Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya,
Shree Vihar, Puri – 752003, Orissa.


Dr. Pragatika Mishra
Editor-cum-Chief Executivee
News Letter- OrissaJob.Com
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Editor-cum-Chief Executivee
News Letter- OrissaJob.Com
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