11:55 PM | Bhadrak Law College, CAPART, Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering, Karnataka University, NISWASS, North Orissa University, SAMBALPUR UNIVERSITY, University of Madras
Council for Advancement of People’s Action & Rural Technology (CAPART), under the aegis of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, invites applications from scholars for the award of two (2) fellowships for the year 2011-12 under the CAPART Fellowship Programme for Third Sector Research for undertaking research projects on Indian voluntary sector, including action research, and generation of research based studies that could facilitate the dissemination of knowledge on voluntary sector and civil society organizations and their intervention strategies. The proposals may belong to any of the disciplines of public Administration, Rural Development, Rural Management, Social Work and Law.
Scholars working as Readers /Associate Professors or Professors in Universities recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or other academic / research institutions of repute duly recognized /accredited by the relevant accreditation bodies established by the Central Government or a State Government; or superannuated scholars from these categories; or scholarsh who are currently unemployed but fulfill the UGC criteria for being appointed as Reader/Associate Professor or Professor as described above and who are not currently availing themselves of the benefit of any fellowship of UGC, or the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), or other such institutions; may apply. The minimum eligibility criteria, amongst others, will include research papers published for at least 3 years in journals of international repute, or 5 years in the case of Indian research journals.
The duration of the fellowship shall be as per the recommendation of the Empowered Committee constituted in CAPART for the fellowship scheme, but shall not exceed two years from the commencement of the fellowship. The details of the scheme may be seen at CAPART‘s website (www.capart.nic.in).
The research proposals with the necessary documents may be forwarded to the Director General, CAPART, India Habitat Centre, Zone-5A, (Core-C), 2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. The last date for the submission of the applications, complete in all respects, is July 29, 2011.
Further details can be available from
Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART),
(Under the aegis of ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India),
India Habitat Centre, Zone-5A (Core-C), 2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003
Ph: 011-24642395, Fax: 011-24648607, Website: www.capart.nic.in
Applications are invited for admission to the One Year, interdisciplinary course called “International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management”, for the academic year 2011-12. This is regular full-time course of one year duration spread over two semesters. The admission for this course is based on the performance in the Entrance Examination consisting of Written Test, Group Discussion and personal interview.
The course aims to train persons in the design, organization, monitoring and evaluation of reproductive, child and sexual health programmes thus contributing to the programmes of Government of India and to the health projects by Non Governmental Organizations to bring about improvement in the Reproductive Health status of individuals and communities.
Some seats are specially earmarked for admission to the ‘in-service’ personnel from Government and Non-Governmental Organizations. Also, 3% of the total is reserved for physically disabled persons.
Eligibility: Post-Graduates in any subjects (Arts, Science, Commerce, Humananities, Law Education, Home Science, etc.,) Or Graduates in Medical Sciences (MBBS, BAMS,BHMS,etc.,) OR ‘In-Service’ Personal who are graduates from recognized Universities and posses a minimum of Five years of experience in the relevant field.
General Instructions: The application form can be obtained from Syndicate Bank, Karnatak University Campus, Dharwad , on payment of Rs. 400/- (Rs.200/- for SC/ST/Cat-1). Those who desire to obtain the application form by post are required to send a Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST/Cat-1) (Including Rs. 100/- towards postage and service charges) drawn on payable to “The Finance Officer, Karnatak University, Dharwad” along with a self addressed envelope (A4 Size) with affixed. The words” APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MANAGEMENT COURSE” should be written on the postal cover addressed to, The Director, Prasaranga, Karnatak University, Dharwad-580 003, Karnataka.
Download the application form from the website www.kud.ac.in and submit the duly filled in form along with DD for Rs. 400/- (Rs.200/- for SC/ST/Cat-1) Drawn in favour of “The Finance Officer, Karnatak University, Dharwad” payable at Dharwad.
The Prescribed fee for Entrance Test is Rs. 500/- for GM and for SC/ST/Cat-1 Candidates is Rs.250/- The same should be sent along with the duly filled admission application form & DD /Challan payable in favour of “The Finance officer, Karnatak University, Dharwad”, The “Entrance Examination” consisting Written Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be held on 30-07-2011.
Graduates of Universities other than the Karnatak University have to obtain Eligibility Certificate issued by the Academic Section, Karnatak University at the time of admission.
For Further information, contact
Dr.C.G.Hussain Khan, Co-ordinator,
International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management,
Kousali Institute of Management Studies, Old KIMS Building,
Karnatak University, Dharwad -580 003. (Karnataka), India.
Telephone: (0) 0836-2748424, 2215335, ® 0836-2470047
E-mail: idirhem_coordinator@rediffmail.com
Department of Zoology & International Centre for Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Diseases under University of Madras invites application for admission to PG Diploma in Stem Cell Technology and Tissue Engineering (Full Time) Course (Two Semester – Self supportive under CBCS mode) for the academic year 2011-2012, conducted through University Industry Community Interaction Centre (UICIC).
Eligibility: Master’s Degree in Life Sciences / Zoology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Applied Microbiology / Biotechnology / Genetics / Molecular Biology / Dairy Sciences / Industrial Microbiology or M.B.B.S / B.D.S / B.V.Sc. & B.Tech. (Biotechnology)
Further details can be available from
Course Director: Dr.H.Devaraj, Professor,
Department of Zoology,
Contact: 044-22202832/2839, Mobile: 09884084325
Or can be downloaded from
North Orissa University invites aplacation from eligible candidates for admission in to the following M.Tech. Courses
1. M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering: MCA/M.Sc. in Computer Sc. / Chemistry / Statistics (With Physics & Mathematics combination at graduation level) / Physics / Mathematics / Mathematics & Computing with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university; or BE / B.Tech. in Computer Sc. / IT / Electronics / Electrical engineering with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university.
2. M.Tech. in Nanoscience and Technology: MCA / M.Sc. in Computer Sc. / Chemistry / Statistics (with Physics & Mathematics combination at graduation level)/ Botany / Zoology / Biotechnology (Mathematics at +2 level or above) / Physics / Mathematics / Mathematics & Computing with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university; or BE / B.Tech. in Computer Sc. / IT / Electronics / Electrical engineering with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university.
Last date for submission of application form is 20.08.2011. Selection will be made on the basic of entrance test.
Further details can be available from
North Orissa University,
Sriram Chandra Vihar, Takatpur,
Baripada – 757003, Orissa
Or can be downloaded from
Institute of Information Technology an autonomous constituent institute of the Sambalpur University
Invites application from eligible candidates spot admission for the vacant seats of the following programmes
1. MCA
2. M.Sc Bioinformatics
3. M.Sc. Electronics
The eligibility for the above program is available in prospectus/ website of SUIIT. The applicant’s shouls report at SUIIT building, near MBA Department, Jyoti Vihar, and Sambalpur University. Further he/she should come prepared to deposit the 1st September admission fee (27, 500/-) & original documents of previous academic records, CLC, Conduct, Caste certificate (if needed) for verification.
Further details can be available from
Sambalpur university,
Institute of Information Technology,
Jyoti Vihar, Burla – 768019
Contact .No: 9438085842,993774415, 9132201977, 9437130857
Or can be downloaded from
National Institute of Social work and Social Sciences (NISWASS) invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to the following courses
1. B.A. Social Work
2. M.A. Social Communication & Journalism.
3. M.A. Rural Management.
1. M.A. Women’s Studies.
Further details can be available from
National Institute of Social work and Social Sciences (NISWASS),
3, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar – 751023,
Ph. 0674-2300052, 2300135.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in to LLM Course.
Candidates who are having LLB Degree (Both 3 years & 5 years Law Course) from F.M. University or any other University recognized by U.G.C. is eligible for this course.
Further Details can be available from
Bhadrak law College,
Gyana Vihar, Bhadrak – 756100,
Orissa, India,
Ph. 06784-240798, 9437215771.
Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering (Formally known as Tool Room & Training Centre) Invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to Post Graduate course in Tool Design & Manufacture.
Graduates in Mech. or Prodn. Engg. or equivalent with 60% Marks in aggregate holders are eligible for this course. Selection will be made on the basic of Entrance Test.
Application form & other details can be available from
Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering,
Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi-110052
Ph. 27372618, 27372745, 26383167
E-mail: trt@bol.net.in
Dr. Pragatika Mishra
Editor-cum-Chief Executive
e-News Letter- OrissaJob.Com
Want to refer any of your colleague/friends to subscribe our News Letter on Education & Career and Jobs, please ask him/her to visit http://www.Orissajob.Com and submit their e-mail address in the RSS feed column in the right hand side. Or Subscribe directly at http://Orissajob.Blogspot.Com
Dr. Pragatika Mishra
Editor-cum-Chief Executive
e-News Letter- OrissaJob.Com
…::::::…… OrissaJob.Com- The Only Job & Career Portal Promoted, Managed & Run by Females Only.
Council for Advancement of People’s Action & Rural Technology (CAPART), under the aegis of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, invites applications from scholars for the award of two (2) fellowships for the year 2011-12 under the CAPART Fellowship Programme for Third Sector Research for undertaking research projects on Indian voluntary sector, including action research, and generation of research based studies that could facilitate the dissemination of knowledge on voluntary sector and civil society organizations and their intervention strategies. The proposals may belong to any of the disciplines of public Administration, Rural Development, Rural Management, Social Work and Law.
Scholars working as Readers /Associate Professors or Professors in Universities recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or other academic / research institutions of repute duly recognized /accredited by the relevant accreditation bodies established by the Central Government or a State Government; or superannuated scholars from these categories; or scholarsh who are currently unemployed but fulfill the UGC criteria for being appointed as Reader/Associate Professor or Professor as described above and who are not currently availing themselves of the benefit of any fellowship of UGC, or the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), or other such institutions; may apply. The minimum eligibility criteria, amongst others, will include research papers published for at least 3 years in journals of international repute, or 5 years in the case of Indian research journals.
The duration of the fellowship shall be as per the recommendation of the Empowered Committee constituted in CAPART for the fellowship scheme, but shall not exceed two years from the commencement of the fellowship. The details of the scheme may be seen at CAPART‘s website (www.capart.nic.in).
The research proposals with the necessary documents may be forwarded to the Director General, CAPART, India Habitat Centre, Zone-5A, (Core-C), 2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. The last date for the submission of the applications, complete in all respects, is July 29, 2011.
Further details can be available from
Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART),
(Under the aegis of ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India),
India Habitat Centre, Zone-5A (Core-C), 2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003
Ph: 011-24642395, Fax: 011-24648607, Website: www.capart.nic.in
Applications are invited for admission to the One Year, interdisciplinary course called “International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management”, for the academic year 2011-12. This is regular full-time course of one year duration spread over two semesters. The admission for this course is based on the performance in the Entrance Examination consisting of Written Test, Group Discussion and personal interview.
The course aims to train persons in the design, organization, monitoring and evaluation of reproductive, child and sexual health programmes thus contributing to the programmes of Government of India and to the health projects by Non Governmental Organizations to bring about improvement in the Reproductive Health status of individuals and communities.
Some seats are specially earmarked for admission to the ‘in-service’ personnel from Government and Non-Governmental Organizations. Also, 3% of the total is reserved for physically disabled persons.
Eligibility: Post-Graduates in any subjects (Arts, Science, Commerce, Humananities, Law Education, Home Science, etc.,) Or Graduates in Medical Sciences (MBBS, BAMS,BHMS,etc.,) OR ‘In-Service’ Personal who are graduates from recognized Universities and posses a minimum of Five years of experience in the relevant field.
General Instructions: The application form can be obtained from Syndicate Bank, Karnatak University Campus, Dharwad , on payment of Rs. 400/- (Rs.200/- for SC/ST/Cat-1). Those who desire to obtain the application form by post are required to send a Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs.300/- for SC/ST/Cat-1) (Including Rs. 100/- towards postage and service charges) drawn on payable to “The Finance Officer, Karnatak University, Dharwad” along with a self addressed envelope (A4 Size) with affixed. The words” APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MANAGEMENT COURSE” should be written on the postal cover addressed to, The Director, Prasaranga, Karnatak University, Dharwad-580 003, Karnataka.
Download the application form from the website www.kud.ac.in and submit the duly filled in form along with DD for Rs. 400/- (Rs.200/- for SC/ST/Cat-1) Drawn in favour of “The Finance Officer, Karnatak University, Dharwad” payable at Dharwad.
The Prescribed fee for Entrance Test is Rs. 500/- for GM and for SC/ST/Cat-1 Candidates is Rs.250/- The same should be sent along with the duly filled admission application form & DD /Challan payable in favour of “The Finance officer, Karnatak University, Dharwad”, The “Entrance Examination” consisting Written Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview will be held on 30-07-2011.
Graduates of Universities other than the Karnatak University have to obtain Eligibility Certificate issued by the Academic Section, Karnatak University at the time of admission.
For Further information, contact
Dr.C.G.Hussain Khan, Co-ordinator,
International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management,
Kousali Institute of Management Studies, Old KIMS Building,
Karnatak University, Dharwad -580 003. (Karnataka), India.
Telephone: (0) 0836-2748424, 2215335, ® 0836-2470047
E-mail: idirhem_coordinator@rediffmail.com
Department of Zoology & International Centre for Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Diseases under University of Madras invites application for admission to PG Diploma in Stem Cell Technology and Tissue Engineering (Full Time) Course (Two Semester – Self supportive under CBCS mode) for the academic year 2011-2012, conducted through University Industry Community Interaction Centre (UICIC).
Eligibility: Master’s Degree in Life Sciences / Zoology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Applied Microbiology / Biotechnology / Genetics / Molecular Biology / Dairy Sciences / Industrial Microbiology or M.B.B.S / B.D.S / B.V.Sc. & B.Tech. (Biotechnology)
Further details can be available from
Course Director: Dr.H.Devaraj, Professor,
Department of Zoology,
Contact: 044-22202832/2839, Mobile: 09884084325
Or can be downloaded from
North Orissa University invites aplacation from eligible candidates for admission in to the following M.Tech. Courses
1. M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering: MCA/M.Sc. in Computer Sc. / Chemistry / Statistics (With Physics & Mathematics combination at graduation level) / Physics / Mathematics / Mathematics & Computing with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university; or BE / B.Tech. in Computer Sc. / IT / Electronics / Electrical engineering with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university.
2. M.Tech. in Nanoscience and Technology: MCA / M.Sc. in Computer Sc. / Chemistry / Statistics (with Physics & Mathematics combination at graduation level)/ Botany / Zoology / Biotechnology (Mathematics at +2 level or above) / Physics / Mathematics / Mathematics & Computing with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university; or BE / B.Tech. in Computer Sc. / IT / Electronics / Electrical engineering with 60% marks or equivalent from any recognized university.
Last date for submission of application form is 20.08.2011. Selection will be made on the basic of entrance test.
Further details can be available from
North Orissa University,
Sriram Chandra Vihar, Takatpur,
Baripada – 757003, Orissa
Or can be downloaded from
Institute of Information Technology an autonomous constituent institute of the Sambalpur University
Invites application from eligible candidates spot admission for the vacant seats of the following programmes
1. MCA
2. M.Sc Bioinformatics
3. M.Sc. Electronics
The eligibility for the above program is available in prospectus/ website of SUIIT. The applicant’s shouls report at SUIIT building, near MBA Department, Jyoti Vihar, and Sambalpur University. Further he/she should come prepared to deposit the 1st September admission fee (27, 500/-) & original documents of previous academic records, CLC, Conduct, Caste certificate (if needed) for verification.
Further details can be available from
Sambalpur university,
Institute of Information Technology,
Jyoti Vihar, Burla – 768019
Contact .No: 9438085842,993774415, 9132201977, 9437130857
Or can be downloaded from
National Institute of Social work and Social Sciences (NISWASS) invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to the following courses
1. B.A. Social Work
2. M.A. Social Communication & Journalism.
3. M.A. Rural Management.
1. M.A. Women’s Studies.
Further details can be available from
National Institute of Social work and Social Sciences (NISWASS),
3, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar – 751023,
Ph. 0674-2300052, 2300135.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in to LLM Course.
Candidates who are having LLB Degree (Both 3 years & 5 years Law Course) from F.M. University or any other University recognized by U.G.C. is eligible for this course.
Further Details can be available from
Bhadrak law College,
Gyana Vihar, Bhadrak – 756100,
Orissa, India,
Ph. 06784-240798, 9437215771.
Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering (Formally known as Tool Room & Training Centre) Invites application from eligible candidates for admission in to Post Graduate course in Tool Design & Manufacture.
Graduates in Mech. or Prodn. Engg. or equivalent with 60% Marks in aggregate holders are eligible for this course. Selection will be made on the basic of Entrance Test.
Application form & other details can be available from
Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering,
Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi-110052
Ph. 27372618, 27372745, 26383167
E-mail: trt@bol.net.in
Dr. Pragatika Mishra
Editor-cum-Chief Executive
e-News Letter- OrissaJob.Com
Want to refer any of your colleague/friends to subscribe our News Letter on Education & Career and Jobs, please ask him/her to visit http://www.Orissajob.Com and submit their e-mail address in the RSS feed column in the right hand side. Or Subscribe directly at http://Orissajob.Blogspot.Com
Dr. Pragatika Mishra
Editor-cum-Chief Executive
e-News Letter- OrissaJob.Com
…::::::…… OrissaJob.Com- The Only Job & Career Portal Promoted, Managed & Run by Females Only.
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